Monday 2 April 2012

An explanation for my silence

 Good afternoon to you all. I have no idea if this blog has viewers who actually come back after reading more than one post, wither I have any kind of devoted following or not. Probably not. Anyway, in case I'm wrong and you are a recurring reader of ROARF, you may notice I've been rather absent of late. I have a good excuse for this this time. I've been on a history trip for the past four days and it was incredible. It was an emotional trip to various areas in Europe which saw major action during the First and Second World War and it must be said, the trip was very emotional and educationally beneficial in regards to the issue. We spent two nights in the Belgium town of Ypres attending various memorial services and discovering the history of the town. There was something of a bleak outlook across the town and we often felt it as well. After visiting the town's woods with rough bumps across the entire ground descended entirely from droppings of shell and trailing through the dense underground caverns, it certainly became obvious why the late David Gold decided to name his blackened doom metal band after such an area in the world.
 But there were enjoyable times as well. Greater friendships were made, laughs were shared and more relevantly to this section, music was shared and loved. The friends I shared a room with, Mark, Donald and Alister are all very much music enthusiasts with our tastes all varying from different places. It meant that there was a wide range of artists being played over the past few days, from Australian metalcore heroes Parkway Drive, to late hip hop royalty Tupac, to classic dubstep producer Benga, to Swedish stoner rock masters Truckfighters and almost everything that comes between. It allowed us all to walk away with a greater expansion in all our music tastes on genres we may have had lesser knowledge on.
 So, from a musical view, the trip had many perks. And as we know, some time away from home is beneficial to everyone. Which brings me effectively onto my next point. For the next week and a bit, I'm going to continue to find myself away from all you wonderful regular readers. (If you exist. I'm not going to come up with some collective fan base name because I'm not an arrogant cult-leading twat.) I'm going to spend the rest of my spring holidays wisely somehow and basically relax in the most popular Canary Island, Tenerife. I go with my family pretty often, at least going for once a year. My basic plan for the holiday is to take long strolls on my own through the various towns on the island listening to any album I want on my iPod and walk past miserable English families who are all choked up together and hating their supposed dream-like family holiday destination due to large amounts of cockroaches and getting sunburn. Why didn't they see it coming? So, the main plan is to walk past people like these with a big smile on my face and possibly some big riffs in my ears.
 And I also plan on doing lots of studying for my Advanced Higher exams when they tragically emerge in May, which in a relaxed and peaceful setting will probably be way more effective than staying in rowdy old Blairgowrie. So, the plan for the next few days is to do things that in no way involve using the internet. Which is useful because there's never any internet connection in Tenerife. Although, there was a mysterious appearance of connection in 2010. Seems unlikely to happen again. So it's most likely that you're probably not going to hear any reviews from me for ages, which is really awkward because there's loads of new releases I want to check out appearing all over the place.
 So, to conclude, if you thought I was being a lazy bastard in terms of blogging, I'm not. I'm just going places and learning for my exams. Will probably see you in a long time and then try and write six reviews in one day in an attempt to seem current. BYE.

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