Wednesday, 2 January 2013

2013: Let's Think This Through

So, how's everyone doing? Has the recovery methods practiced throughout the later hours of the 1st of January come into effect yet? I know it's taken a full day for it to work today otherwise I would have done this yesterday. Instead I was stuck on zombie mode. A fucking happy new year indeed.

Seriously though, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and got everything you wanted and experienced much joy and goodwill and all'a that. If you are friends with me on Facebook, or follow me on Twitter, or use Google images to get the covers for the album you downloaded for free, you may know that the last thing I put on this blog was my 2012 Retrospective and Top 350 albums list. If you didn't know it was because the kind people at Blogger wouldn't allow me to change the date that the post was published, meaning it's way back in the January 2012 section, which is really weird. It's like I'm predicting the albums of the future and telling people that this is what will happen in 2012. Maybe it should stay that way as I convince everyone of clairvoyant powers.

I'm extremely proud of that post and I'm already confident that I'll never be able to write anything else that tops it, but I can see that it was maybe a tad too long, so if I do something like it again, a shorter number may have to be in order. But, after it was published and I had completed my extremely heavy promotion session of the post, I really was immersed in that feeling that it was the finest thing I'd ever done and would have therefore been a good swan song for Ramblings of a Rock Fan, that nothing more needed to be done. We had reached the end. And then I found myself washing dishes while working at my local butchers with dish upon dish being piled up endlessly and without any sort of joy in sight for the rest of the day and I sort of realised that this is the only real way over the past year and a half that I've managed to make a name for myself and at a stage so fresh into my real work at University towards becoming a journalist, I couldn't just throw it away. I need this for my future.

But here's the thing. 2013, is definitely going to be the most active year of my life. It's time I have a think of what's going down throughout the year. Well, to kick things off I have a Media Law exam in three days, which will be a tonne of fun. After that, there will be a major step up in University work that I will need to put all my focus on. Along with that I made it a New Year's Resolution to finally learn to drive, which will give me something big to do in Blairgowrie, and guess what, I also turn eighteen, meaning I can pretty much do what I want, so that I can forget that I have to write about music and go out to clubs and bars instead, as well as that, this summer, I'm heading to Florida (YEEEAAAAHHH!!!) and also spending a few days at a little piece of turf called Donnington Park for a little party they throw known as Download Festival, where I will lose my mind watching Queens of the Stone Age, Slipknot and many others, although my entire time depends solely on seeing those two. And though I still have ambitions for this blog, who knows how frequently it can happen.

I kind of had a plan to do something like one post a week which summarizes all the big releases of the week with some compacts but still slick reviews, but I'd rather keep things the way they are now. More than that I had more plans for non review material. I definitely want to get some more interviews with up-and-coming bands, have more writing done by people that aren't me and every now and then, just write some biography pieces on bands I like, for no other reason than they're a band I like, whether they're massive and have lots of stories outside the music, or are underground dwellers that deserve more recognition.

Seriously though, I'm happy to be back writing. It seems like maybe I've become something like a watchful eye in the world of rock music making sure that only the good things occur. I mean when I'm blogging, I hear people I know know talking about rock bands they love that I've maybe introduced them to and everyone seems to celebrate the joy of bands that only need riffs and choruses to get their messages through. And as soon as I stop typing and turn my back away, musicians I've admired over time are exposed in a different and entirely new sinister light. Of course I'm talking about Ian Watkins.

That's basically where I'm at right now. Drawing up plans, making up lists and looking at lists of upcoming albums, tours and news that we should all get excited about. Everything Everything have an album out on birthday, that's pretty cool, huh?

So happy new year, everyone, I genuinely don't know when I'll write again. I might have some mental breakdown that stops me from writing during the year. Who knows what will happen. I suppose, we'll have to make our way through the next twelve moths and watch the world of music progress along with us. Alright, feeling energized yet? Good. The headbanging starts now!

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